Experiencing a water leak? Reach out to us today for swift and professional assistance. We take great pride in our work and go the extra mile to maintain the cleanliness of your property while performing our services. This commitment to excellence is just one of the many reasons why Anderson Plumbing is the number one choice for all your plumbing needs. Give us a call at 502-220-1794 to schedule an appointment.
We’d also like to give a shout out to R.E.P Rents for their outstanding service. They consistently provide us with everything we need and are incredibly easy to work with. If you need any machinery, be sure to contact them for a hassle-free experience!
Front yard with open 3 foot by 8 foot trench. A backhoe owned by the equipment rental company REP Rents is positioned at the far end of the trench. A new blue water line is visible, which replaces a leaking section of an old underground water line, connected by brass fittings. Some tools are visible on the lawn to the right and at the near end of the trench. An Anderson Plumbing is visible on the street in the background. Three neighbor houses are visible in the background of a spacious, newer development, with a wooded area in the far background, 400 yards away.

Front Yard Underground Water Leak

Before digging, we ensure that all utility lines have been marked. After identifying the location of the leak, we get to work! With a REP Rents backhoe we excavate only as much as we need to perform the repair. We disturb as little existing landscaping as necessary. Here, we replaced the leaky water line section with a new line, connected with brass fittings.

Open 3 foot by 8 foot trench with new blue water line that replaces old, leaking section with a brass connector at each end.

Repaired Water Line Section

We use only the best plumbing supplies, to give you the longest possible lifespan.

Front yard with backhoe in background, after completing underground water leak repair. Small caution flag markers visible where utility companies have marked off location of other underground service lines. There is a thin layer of snow on the ground.

Underground Water Leak Cleanup

We take great care to leave the work site in the best possible condition. Here, the backhoe has flattened the area completely, just as it was before the repair. The patch is ready to be landscaped.